Primary Expression Dev C++

Jul 05, 2007  expected primary-expression before 'if'. C / C Forums on Bytes. Post your question and get tips & solutions from a community of 449,814 IT Pros & Developers. May 04, 2015  引用 楼主 acwodek 的回复: #ifndef MAZECREATEH #define MazeCreateH #define ROWS 40 #define COLS 60 #define DIRECTIONNUM 4 #define DIRECTIONEAST 0. Aug 30, 2019 C is a general-purpose object-oriented programming (OOP) language, developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, and is an extension of the C language. It is therefore possible to code C in a 'C style' or 'object-oriented style.' In certain scenarios, it can be coded in either way and is thus an effective example of a hybrid language.

Cpp Expected Primary Expression Before

P: 84
Please post line generating error and a few previous lines.
Thanks very much for making me post it, because then I saw that the error was at line 783 and not at line 773... and there I had somefunction(x,)...i.e forgot a comma (is that english?).
But as I have posted it I have another question more about logic.
in the header file cmbcalc.h there is are the definitions:
  1. bool infla;//true=inflation, false= seed
  2. int go(Cosmos* cosmos,string name,ControlPanel&,bool interactive=false,bool infla=true);
In the file the function go is defined:
  1. int CmbCalc::go(Cosmos* cosmos,string name,ControlPanel& control, bool interactive, bool infla) {
  2. (...about 100 lines...)
  3. if (control.cmb) {
  4. (...)
  5. if (control.scalar && infla) {
  6. (...)
  7. // Loop over wavenumbers, calculating perturbations for each k-mode
  8. for (int k = 1; k <= nk; ++k) oneK(k,cosmos,control,infla);
  9. }
  10. infla=false;
  11. if (control.scalar && ! infla){
  12. // Loop over wavenumbers, calculating perturbations for each k-mode
  13. for (int k = 1; k <= nk; ++k) oneK(k,cosmos,control,infla);
  14. }
  15. if (! control.cmb) nk =0;
  16. if (interactive) return nk;
  17. }
  18. return 0;
  19. }
eventually where I'm not sure is when in another file it calls:
  1. #include'cmbcalc.h'
  2. void CmbMainWindow::spool() {
  3. try {
  4. int nk = cmbcalc->go(cosmos,'dudei',*control,true,true);
  5. (...)
(The first true means interactive=true), the question is will the 2 loops (and initializations I didn't write) in go() be calculated or are they cut off because the condition interactive=true is satisfied and hence the function is stopped and returns just nk. I know thiis would be the case if the if(interactive) condition would come before the other three if-conditions. Thanks to anyone taking the time to understand my question!!!

When I try to compile this:

Expected Primary-expression Before Int Dev C++

in Dev-C++, i get the error: 'expected primary-expression before '<=' token'. What does this mean? How can I fix it?

Primary Expression Dev C 2017

Thanks in advance,

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C++ Primary Expression Before Token

Dev c++ 5.11Primary Expression Dev C++

Dev C++ 5.11


What Is Primary Expression In Dev C++

else if (randomNumber >= 31 && <= 59) is not valid syntax it must be else if (randomNumber >= 31 && randomNumber<= 59) . The same thing for line 34.

As an aside, you only need to call srand one time in your program.

Edited by jonsca: n/a